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acoustic reflection artinya

contoh kalimat "acoustic reflection"
  • [Pharmacology and toxicology] Perfluoropropane-Albumin Microsphere Injection is gas-filled microsphere preparation and can significantly strengthen the acoustic reflection signal in ultrasound diagnostic instrument. After peripheral intravenous injection, it can enhance the left cardiac ultrasound contrast effect without causing adverse effect on hemodynamics or electrocardiogram.
    [Farmakologi dan toksikologi] Perfluoropropane-Albumin Microsphere Injection adalah persiapan mikrosfer yang diisi gas dan secara signifikan dapat memperkuat sinyal pantulan akustik dalam instrumen diagnostik ultrasound. Setelah injeksi intravena perifer, dapat meningkatkan efek kontras ultrasound jantung kiri tanpa menimbulkan efek buruk pada hemodinamik atau elektrokardiogram.